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North Macedonia – Energy Country Profile

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According to the latest Eurostat figures the share of renewables in gross final energy consumption in has reached 17.5% in 2017, up from 17% in the…

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The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is lending € 5.9 million to Macedonian state-owned electricity company ELEM for the…

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The government is preparing several locations for public-private partnerships and concessions to invest in the construction of 200 MW solar power…

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Regulatory Board sets priorities. At its 41st plenary meeting, the Energy Community Regulatory Board (ECRB) set out its objectives and priorities for…

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Cooperation Arrangement that will strengthen regulatory cooperation between energy regulators across Europe through to the Mediterranean, South East…

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Energy Community has to step up efforts to prepare for the clean energy transition

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The national energy regulatory of Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia recently announced the establishment of a permanent advisory…

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The Macedonian Government has launched a tender for the selection of a universal household electricity supplier.

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2 million Euros in grants to be disbursed for PV systems in 35 municipalities

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The proposed project, which has a total estimated cost of EUR 10 million, would be financed by proceeds of a loan from the European Bank for…

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