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Bulgaria – Energy Country Profile

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The new gas pipeline would supply gas from western European hubs through Slovakia into Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria and possibly Serbia.

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Security of supply may be disrupted as a consequence of tensions between EU and Russia

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Grants from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to countries in Central and Southern Europe

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Due to non-compliance with EU environmental standards the power plant located in Bulgaria and operated by the Czech power utility CEZ has to be closed

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Liberalisation of the market has been required since 2012

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Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein will support Bulgarian projects on renewable energy and energy efficiency

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Bulgaria and Azerbaijan signed two agreements for the cooperaton on gas projects.


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as it does not conform to European Union law.

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Bulgaria's Supreme Administrative Court (VAS) has revoked the retroactive tax on revenue generated by renewable energy systems

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Romania and Bulgaria among the countries with the highest reduction rates

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