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Energy policy – Energy Country Profile

Energy Policy

In 2013 government of Moldova adopted the new Energy Strategy of Moldova by 2030 (08.02.2013 Official Monitor of Moldova, no.27-309). It changed the five objectives from the first energy strategy in 2007 to the following three main objectives:

  • security of energy supply;
  • creation of competitive markets and its regional and European integration;
  • environmental sustainability and combating climate change.

Moreover Energy Efficiency and development of Renewable Energy were declared as high priorities of the Government of Moldova. The energy strategy lies within the responsibilities of the Energy Efficiency Agency. It implements state policies with the aim to create the prerequisites for improving energy efficiency and energy performance of buildings, to assist the structures involved in the development and implementation of programs, plans, services and other energy measures for increasing energy consumption efficiency, and to approve the projects in EE and RES areas.

In 2006, the Energy Community Treaty brought together the EU and 9 Balkan States (Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) with the aim to establish one common energy market. In 2010 Ukraine and Moldova acceded to the Energy Community Treaty. Within the framework of the reorganization of the energy sector at the end of 2003 part of the electricity market was liberalized. The electricity market was partially opened for about 10% of the whole market. According to the new Law on Electricity from 2016, the power market is fully open.

As a member of the Energy Community since 2010 Moldova committed to implement the 2nd and 3rd Energy Packages. Regarding the general structure of the Energy market, with the approval of new gas and electricity laws in 2014, the Republic of Moldova made good progress in the transposition of the EU 2nd Energy Package although activities on restructuring of Moldovagaz in line with the EU 2nd Package are still pending.

Moldova signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol as a Non-Annex1 party and implemented four registered CDM projects. A low emission development strategy of Moldova by 2030 is waiting now for Parliament approval. Four NAMAs (National Appropriate Mitigation Project) were elaborated and registered at UNFCCC.

The Energy Strategy of Moldova 2030 provides guidelines for national energy sector development and specific policy objectives. These include the following targets for 2020: 20% renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption, 10% biofuels in transportation, 10% renewable energy share in electricity generation, and 27% renewable energy share in heat consumption.

Last update: 07 2023