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Detail – Energy Country Profile

High PV capacity in the Czech Republic

Supported by an official incentive scheme

The Czech Energy Regulatory Office (ERU) reported for the Czech Republic’s PV capacity an amount of 2.056,9 MW at the end of October 2015. Before, in December 2014 and at the end of 2013 the authority had reported higher levels, 2.060,6 MW and 2.132,6 MW, respectively. ERU explained the decrease in PV capacity by the fact that some completed PV installations had not been connected to the grid.
The table on PV capacity below shows the amounts of PV capacity as provided by PV installations of different power.

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The incentive scheme that had been launched by the Czech government in October 2015 supports mainly residential PV systems - with a market share of only 2,5 % - whereas large-scale PV systems do not benefit from the supporting scheme. 

Source: Photon The World of Inormation in the World of Solar Electricity 1.2.2016
