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Detail – Energy Country Profile

Electricity markets in Croatia and Serbia to link up with the European power market

Croatia's power exchange CROPEX signed an agreement with the European energy exchange Nord Pool Spot.

The Belgrad-based regional spot power exchange, known as SEEPEX, decided to cooperate with Europe's EPEX Spot Exchange.

The new bourse is expected to offer more price transparency in the Balkans and attract traders to a potentially profitable region.

The new exchange would offer to smaller Balkan countries the possibility to enter European Union power markets.

So far, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania have all joined their day-ahead markets with that of Hungary. 

It may be expected that Montenegro, Bosnia and Macedonia join the electricity market and link up with Hungary's day-ahead market, as well. 

In this way a Balkan regional market might be established.

Source: Reuters 04 June 2015