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Biofuel: Ukraine Will Adopt Finnish Experience

Starting from 2014 Ukrainians will have to use gasoline containing at least 5% ethanol in it.

Though only a recommendation for this year, from 2014-2015 it will become obligatory, and in 2016 a compulsory share of ethanol in gasoline increases to 7%. The relevant decree was signed by the President in July 2012.

Gennady Riabtsev, Deputy Head of Scientific and Technical Center "Psyche", says that two-thirds of Ukrainian cars (about 4.5 million units) simply is not adapted for mixed gasoline containing more than 5% of ethanol. In addition, due to the low quality of domestically produced ethanol, it can not be used as an additive to gasoline. According to experts, the national standards that establish requirements for the quality of mixed fuels of biological components above 5%, and relevant testing methods, are absent in Ukraine.

In late April this year, the Ministry of Agriculture announced that Ukraine and Finland agreed to cooperate in the production of biofuels. In particular, Ukraine has shown interest in bringing Finnish investments in alternative fuel sources and analysis of biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas and other alternative energy sources that exist in Finland.

Source: 13 May 2013